
Wednesday 14 December 2011

  • Mohd AiZat fItri bIn ABduL raHmAN
  • LiVE at KG tanJUng LUmpUr, kuANTAN
  • geNIus, boRIng, talKatiVe, grEat aMbitIon aNd mOre.......
  • fOr me fRienDship is iMportAnt.. eveRyboDy is my friEnd unTil tHey not maKe me as enemy...
  • oF cOURse A i MuSt GEt for This sUbJEcT..

who want to know me?????

hai everyone!!!!!
my name is zakiah ismail..u can call me zack
hahaha simple right......
i came from temerloh pahang..
my character is hardworking,cheerful,like 2 smile and i like 2 do adventures sports.....
easy to make friend.....mmmm
i will make sure that everyone will be enjoy with me..
mgt 300???hahaa..this course i'm waiting for the long2 time...
i really like IT coz can learn many things hehehe.
hope u can enjoy with me...

Smile is able to solve many problems, and still be able to make us avoid many problems.

  • Hye u all,,,,,my name Norfaezah Abd Razak,,,
  • juzt call me faeyzah k,,,
  • I'm live in Johor Bahru
  • Ermmmm,,,,,,,okay now let me introduce myself k,
  • actually I am a friendly and cheerful,,,
  • N sometimes be a sensitve,,, hihiihi
  • My goal for this subject to achieve the highest target to achieve A in this corz.
  • Hope u all enjoy it k,,,,
  • Thats all abot mE,,,,,n Not mEe k,,,,hihiihi

Sunday 11 December 2011

hye buddyzzz...!!!!

Hye....Im HUD BIN RAZALI. what the best words to describe about me? here the words..:
5.not easy to give up

now let's share about friendship....

Sometimes I look at my friends and think to myself, "Where did I meet these crazy people?" But then I think "What would I do without them?". Therefore, I love all of u! :D ;D :D
However friendship is something really valuable to me..
how to describe it???
to me it depends on that they appreciate it and make friends..,however it must be really interesting if we make it. sometimes it's hurt you but sometimes it makes you be loved. so do love your frindship with your friend and family...

finally, i do love with this subject MGT 300 because it is the most interesting subject for this semester. we can explore a lot of things. we also can learn more about information and technology....

thank u allz....

Wednesday 23 November 2011

first time in IT clazz

our claz today was very exciting..we are required to create our email group as well as our blog group.This is the beginnig for the our blog.Please enjoy with our blog..Thankz.......